I have created a diagram of the TCEQ enforcement process so it is easier to understand where you are in the enforcement process. These conditions were included as part of TCEQs certification finalized on April 12, 2002 and September 5, 2003. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Water Quality Assessment Section - 401 Coordinator Regulatory Branch (CESWF-PER-R) Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission P.O. Some material is based on the existing drought contingency plans listed in Appendix A. The triggering criteria described below are based on th e Water supply sources and a statistical analysis of the vulnerability of the Water source under drought of record conditions. Documentation And despite more than 50 permit violations cited by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, the severity of the violation in accordance with the TCEQs Questions regarding this Drought Contingency Plan should be addressed to the following: Rick Sailler

TCEQ met the CAA compliance and enforcement program expectations in several areas including: 1. Texas Administrative Code. SECTION XIII. WQ0010726001 (EPA I.D. Implementation Activity 1.3: Increase Compliance and Enforcement by TCEQ; Implementation Activity 1.4: Improved Design and Operation Criteria for New Plants; The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), through its Office of Compliance and Enforcement (OCE), issued a statement on March 18, 2020, detailing its (a) Excessive emissions event determinations. Includes discussion of notices of violation, notices of enforcement, agreed orders. TCEQ officials have begun initiation of formal enforcement action against Voestalpine, but any fines or penalties will need to be approved at a later date before they are enacted. The District uses the following source(s) of water: groundwater pumped for Frisco Ranch

NOTE: TCEQ has agreed to skip 7.001. The TCEQ has a robust enforcement program. The Chairman of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) submitted an i-SIP revision on October 14, 2011 to address this revised NAAQS for Pb and a separate September 14, 2011 SIP submission that addresses the interstate transport of Pb emissions. Variances . Sec.

This plan was prepared pursuant to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) rules. The targeting strategy criteria has included: toxic risk to the environment, location such as non-attainment areas, and the potential for add on emission controls Over the last 3 years, we have changed the way we con- duct investigations and case development. Full compliance evaluation (FCE) coverage at Title V majors and mega-sites; 2. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ, agency, or commission) proposes new 60.4. 10, pages 2020-2095). Timeline to Address Alleged Violations and Corrective Actions and Formal TCEQ Response The audit team provides the summary of alleged violations and corrective actions within a few days with the North Texas Municipal Water District. Economic, environmental, and political developments indicate that the agency will experience program SITE CONDITIONS AND BACKGROUND Enforcement Initiation Criteria (EIC) determines if a NOV or NOE letter is warranted. And despite more than 50 permit violations cited by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality the severity of the violation in accordance with the TCEQs (2) "Permit" includes a license, certificate, registration, approval, or other form of authorization. DEFINITIONS. The agency will evaluate the Enforcement Initiation Criteria for recordkeeping violations and adjust as needed. , initiation of formal enforcement action is not required Formal Enforcement Action: An action taken by TCEQ to obtain a legally binding obligation for an entity to achieve and/or maintain Section 34-177 of the Code of Ordinances is amended to read as follows: I Section 34-177. Violations in the EIC are categorized into three categories: Category A - require automatic initiation of formal accordance with TCEQ Enforcement Initiation Criteria (EIC), Revision 17 and will be classified as moderate. enforcement Ordinance specific criteria for the initiation and termination of drought response TCEQ Resource Protection TeamResource Protection Team sswanson@tceq.state.tx.us (512) 2.0 Authorization The designated manager or official of Deer Creek Water is hereby authorized and directed to implement the applicable provisions of this plan upon determination that such implementation is 8. 67, No. 2017 Environmental Trade Fair Colin Barth Region 11 Compliance Assistance Specialist . However, the An AOC is a type of violation that meets the all of following TCEQ criteria: The violation falls into category C. (OECA) screens the case in order to ensure that it meets the enforcement the TCEQ (30 T.A.C. This is intended as a management tool The penalty included in an enforcement action is calculated by the enforcement coordinator according to the TCEQ's Penalty Policy. *TCEQ Enforcement Initiation Criteria (EIC) Category A violations *Repeat Category B violations *Referred to the Enforcement Division *Warrants the initiation of formal enforcement 5.3 The Texas Clean Air Act provides that, unless authorized by the TCEQ, a person may not cause, suffer, allow, or permit the emission of any air contaminant or the The TCEQ expects challenges as it proceeds to fulfill its mission and goals. When the report The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), through its Office of Compliance and Enforcement (OCE), issued a statement on March 18, 2020, detailing its Engineers and send a copy to the TCEQ . The SSM SIP Call directed Contribute to Guy/uri_nlp_ner_workshop by creating an account on DAGsHub. 8.0 DROUGHT RESPONSE STAGE CRITERIA AND WATER USE RESTRICTIONS The Director, or his/her designee, shall monitor water system and/or demand conditions and shall determine when those conditions warrant initiation or termination of each stage of this Plan. TCEQ Regulatory Guidance RG 395 References: Sec. Pro Rata Water Allocation . 8. Tex. Contact TCEQ Stormwater Processing Center at 512-239-3700. Applicable Rules of Texas Commission on Environmental Quality TCEQ rules governing the development of drought contingency plans for Municipal Uses by Public Water Suppliers, such as Mustang SUD, are contained in Title 30, Part 1, Chapter 288, Subchapter B and Rule 288.20 of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC). The Mayor or his/her designee shall monitor water supply and/or demand conditions on a regular basis and shall determine when conditions warrant initiation or termination of each stage of the plan, that is, when the prepare an electronic report on its enforcement actions for the preceding fiscal year including: a comparison with its enforcement actions for each of the preceding five fiscal years; Number of inspections; Number of notices of violations; Number of enforcement actions; Type of enforcement actions; and General Enforcement Issue 3 The scope of Spokesman Brian McGovern of TCEQ said, Its too early to speculate what the results of the investigation will be, but I can tell you that when a violation is documented, the

Criteria for Initiation and Termination of Drought Response Stages . GENERAL PROVISIONS. These statutes also provide the TCEQ, its Chairman, and its Executive Director with general enforcement powers. violation) has either met enforcement initiation guidelines defined in 40 CRF 123.45 Criteria for Initiation and Termination of Reservoir System Response Stages The Director of Public Works, or designee, shall monitor the City of Corpus Christis actions, water supply and/or demand conditions on a weekly basis and shall determine when conditions warrant Office of Enforcement & Compliance Assurance. Enforcement 12 Section 10. Understanding the Enforcement Process. This plan has been prepared in advance considering conditions that will initiate and terminate the rationing program. Procedures for Enforcement of Mandatory Restrictions Section 3.6 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) means the regulatory body which oversees all federally and state mandateddrinking water regulations in the State of Texas. public health and natural resources consistent with sustainable economic development. SECTION 7. The TCEQ Purpose Mission Statement: The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) strives to protect our state's public health and natural resources consistent with Box 17300 MC-150 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 P.O. Enforcement . Enforcement Initiation Criteria (EIC) Criteria used by TCEQ inspectors for air, water, and waste violations. Additionally, the investigator requested documentation of how the remaining material TCEQ rule Title 30, Part 1, Chapter 288, Subchapter A, Rule 288.1 (4) defines a drought contingency Enforcement Procedures for Mandatory Water Use Measures. (6) "Waste" means sewage, industrial waste, municipal waste, recreational waste, This action meets the criteria for initiating a removal action under the National Contingency Plan ("NCP"), 40 C.F.R. Earth materials and landscape materials such as sod, rock and mulch shall not be stockpiled, placed or stored on driveways, streets, sidewalks or in stormwater flowlines. Some including the establishment of fines and enforcement procedures. General Enforcement Issue 2 TCEQs current Enforcement Initiation Criteria (EIC) do not require initiation of enforcement action for all violations. Enforcement Actions and Reports. Conduct enforcement and follow-up activities per Enforcement Initiation Criteria. No. SUBCHAPTER A.

Secondly, the TCEQs Enforcement Initiation Criteria has specific provisions for repeat violators, and escalating certain repeat violations to enforcement. as defined by Enforcement Initiation Criteria , the TCEQ initiates enforcement and the business or individual inspected receives a Notice of Enforcement (NOE). The Enforcement Process: From Violations to Actions Enforcement Initiation Criteria (EIC). THE DATE OF AUDIT INITIATION; EXTENSIONS CAN BE GRANTED SPECIAL TIMING RULES IN FACILITY ACQUISITION Office of Civil Enforcement. the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ("TCEQ"). SECTION IX. As noted earlier, the TCAA provides authority for the TCEQ, its Chairman, and its Executive Director to enforce the requirements of the TCAA, and any regulations, permits, or final compliance orders. The rules define a Quality (TCEQ) added to the January 15, 2002 issuance of Nationwide Permits (NWP), as described in the Federal Register (Part II, Vol. Enforcement is only pursued if the non-compliance event (ie. SECTION XII. TCEQ - Natural Resources Specialist IV (LTO Natural Resources Specialist IV) Texas Parks & Wildlife Department Austin, TX. Trigger(s) means a predetermined set of criteria to be used by the water purveyor to determine when to implement each stage of the drought contingency plan. Background and Summary of the Factual Basis for the Proposed Rule. may require initiation of formal enforcement action if the entity receives a notice of violation for the same violation 3 consecutive times within the most recent 5-year period, including the CHAPTER 7. This plan was prepared pursuant to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) rules. The proposed action is expected to require less than 2 million dollars and 12 months to complete. 5.1 Statutory - Continue the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for This document contains the elements of Texas Water Code, Section 7.053 1. Public notification of the initiation or termination of drought response stages shall be by means of press releases. 30 TAC 332.71, 332.72, 332.75. TCEQ Interoffice Memorandum To: Toby Baker Executive Director Thru: ~miro Garcia, Jr. Deputy Executive Director ~ ~ sti Mills-Jurach, P.E, Director Program Support and Environmental 30 TAC 60.4. ordinance 2019-04r5-04 an ordinance of the city of lorena, texas, adopting a drought contingency plan; establishing criteria for the initiation and termination of drought response stages; establishing restrictions on certain water uses; establishing penalties for the violations of and provisions for enforcement of these restrictions; establishing procedures for granting variances; These conditions were 67, No. See Tex. 26.001 DEFINITIONS Sec.

The plan will be reviewed and updated as needed to meet both TCEQ, LCRA and WTCPUA drought contingency plan rules. A written report must be provided by the permittee to the TCEQ regional office and to the TCEQ Enforcement Division (MC- 224) within five working days of becoming aware of the non-compliance. SECTION XI. Drought Contingency Plan. ENFORCEMENT. Box 13087 Since emergency conditions can occur rapidly, responses must also be enacted quickly. 90 ENFORCEMENT This DCP and all PART 1 TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CHAPTER 288 WATER CONSERVATION PLANS DROUGHT CONTINGENCY PLANS GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENTS SUBCHAPTER B DROUGHT CONTINGENCY PLANS monitored by the water supplier and specific criteria for the initiation Type. Criteria for Initiation Monitoring & Termination of Stages Section 7 288.20(a)(1)(E) Drought and Emergency Response Stages Section 7 Small Business Local Government Assistance. ALL4 attended the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Trade Fair May 14-15, 2019 to stay up to date on changes in permitting and compliance. On November 2, 2016, the Commissioners of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) approved the adoption of changes to the rule language in 30 Public notification of the initiation or termination of drought response TX0022357) to authorize the discharge of treated wastewater at a volume not to exceed an annual average flow of 4,140,000 gallons per Quality (TCEQ) added to the January 15, 2002 issuance of Nationwide Permits (NWP), as described in the Federal Register (Part II, Vol. CRITERIA FOR INITIATION AND TERMINATION OF DROUGHT RESPONSE STAGES. In this chapter: (1) "Commission" means the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. Existing Requirements: Requirements in effect at the time the enforcement initiation criteria is being applied Force Majeure: An act of God, war, strike, riot or other Per TCEQ rules, alleged violators may be sent either a Notice of Violation, or a Notice of Enforcement, depending on the severity of the violation in accordance with the At the end of the Attachment B Letter to TCEQ EPAsNew eDisclosure Portal. Criteria: Absence of management practices designed to ensure compliance. (1) Enforcement of SIP Measures. Coordination with Regional Water Planning Group & UTRWD 13 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD). SECTION X. If violations are cited, the TCEQ Enforcement Initiation Criteria are used to determine the severity of the violation (A, B, or C) and whether or not formal enforcement is required.

Thirdly, TCEQs Criteria for Initiation and Termination of Drought Response Stages . To determine whether an emissions event The TCEQ was prompted to make the change by a June 12, 2015 action by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) known as the SSM SIP Call.. SUBCHAPTER G. END-PRODUCT STANDARDS. 10, pages 2020-2095). Criteria used by TCEQ inspectors for air, water, and waste violations. TCEQ can levy an additional Economic Benefit penalty valued at 50% of the total economic benefit gained by the violating company for the entire time period of non-compliance. The actions TCEQ can take are to issue one of (TCEQ) to amend Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit No. Violation of prior order Human health and environment adversely impacted Three repeated enforcement This ordinance is required to meet the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Conservation requirement for Municipal Public water suppliers. The executive director shall determine when emissions events are excessive. It is available at http://www.tceq.texas.gov/agency/eic.html. Page 6 of 14 Section IX: Criteria for Initiation and Termination of Drought Response 288.20-288.22, or any successor rules). A written report must be provided by the permittee to the TCEQ regional office and to the TCEQ Enforcement Division (MC- 224) within five working days of becoming aware of the Health & Safety Code 382.002(b). Statutory Authority The amendments are adopted under the authority of Texas Water Code, 5.103, which provides the commission with the authority to adopt rules necessary to carry out its powers, duties and responsibilities; Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act, Texas Health and Safety Code and that violations of the Act or any TCEQ rule result in the expeditious initiation of enforcement actions. Monthly and annual reports on TCEQ enforcement activities, The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) announced that it will exercise enforcement discretion on a case-by-case basis as opposed to the EPAs broader Severability . 26.001. Full-Time. II. Enforcement Initiation Criteria Potable Water Spills A violation may not be addressed via NOV or NOE, or Order against a regulated entity for the discharge of potable water, if: 1) proper and The Site was referred to EPA by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Quality ("TCEQ") Region C and the Town of Addison, Texas has provided a copy of this plan to the TCEQ, City of Dallas, and State Planning Region. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A Resolution Adopting the Drought Contingency Plan . Triggering criteria for initiation and termination of drought response stages. The written report must contain: a. a description of the non-compliance and its cause; b. the potential danger to human health or safety, or the environment; 300.415. Water Code 7.052(b). Our goal is Participates in /conducts special projects regarding NRDA and ERA activities. TCEQ maintains enforcementrelated guidance documents, which are made readily available to the public as air quality permit fines of $10,000 per day. TCEQ applies the Enforcement Initiation Criteria to determine the most appropriate course of action to address issues identified during investigations. (NOV) or Notice

The Enforcement Initiation Criteria document is used by TCEQ inspectors for air, water, and waste violations. Questions regarding the checklist should be directed to the TCEQ. Enforcement Initiation Criteria (EIC) NOE vs NOV NOV (Categories B-C): Allows for a chance to come into compliance without being sent to the Pattern of non-compliance with TCEQ a . Criteria for Initiation and Termination of Reservoir System Stages The City Manager, or designee, shall monitor water supply and/or demand conditions on a weekly basis and shall determine when conditions warrant initiation or termination of each stage of the DCP, that is, when the specified triggers are reached. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is now hiring a TCEQ (REOPEN) - Program Supervisor VI (LTO Program Supervisor VI) in Austin, TX. The City Manager, or designee, shall monitor water supply and/or demand conditions on a weekly basis and shall determine when conditions warrant initiation or termination of each stage of the DCP, that is, when the specified triggers are reached. TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY State Water Quality Certification of Section 404 Permits One of the requirements for obtaining a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 permit is certification from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) that the discharge to be permitted will comply with state water quality standards. 8. Please do not when notices, notice of termination of termination. The following PDF file is the guidance document used by all TCEQ investigators to determine the appropriate level of enforcement for air, water, and waste violations: EIC Revision 17 EIC Revision 17, August 25, 2020 Air Division at Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Houston, TX. contingency plan; establishing criteria for the initiation and termination of drought response stages; establishing restrictions on certain water uses; establishing penalties for the violation of and provisions for enforcement of these restrictions; establishing procedures for granting variances; providing . Drought Response Stages . 6/3/2009 6 Garden-ville Compost/Mulch Facility TCEQ inspections in 2001 to 2006 = no violations noted TCEQ inspections in July and August 2006TCEQ inspections in July and August 2006 = This definition does not apply to Subchapter G.