In her material form, Gaia has four layers of vibrational densities. Rather, they are groups of galaxies connected by dark matter. For 60 years the Kaluza-Klein Theory of extra spatial dimensions that we explored in the previous article existed only as a mathematical oddity. Smallest Things In The Universe 1. The Eighth Dimension ~ Group Souls (Oceans of Light) A Group Soul is a collection of entities that work together as one unit. The universe may be an unimaginable large expanse of space with billions of galaxies and stars, but it too is made up of tiny things. Scientists today consider the Superstring Theory a leading approach to explaining the inner workings of the universe. It emerged from early efforts to add dimensions to general relativity, suggesting that properties of matter like charge and spin are a consequence of single-dimensional 'strings' wiggling multiple dimensions.. Those strings can behave in a huge variety of ways, depending on how many dimensions you add or other constraining properties, resulting in some 10^500 solutions, of which our Universe's . String theory, the idea that the fundamental building blocks of nature are string-like rather than point-like, had been around since the late . We are immediately aware of the three dimensions that surround us on a daily basis - those that define the length, width, and depth of all objects in our universes (the x, y, and z axes,. These different aspects are what govern the universe, the fundamental forces of. Dekeract is the 10-hypercube. Meanwhile, the four fundamental forces were. Here's an interesting fact: The Superstring Theory states that space-time has 10 dimensions, or in other words, the universe is made up of 10 dimensions. According to the string theory every thing of our universe is made by very tiny open or close loop of energy called string.and these string move in a universe of 12 dimension.actually we live in a . The next 3 dimensions are Space, which allows the . A small pocket dimension (Image via Marvel Entertainment) Ta Lo is a peaceful realm within Earth-616 of the MCU, whereas it is a pocket dimension in the comics. This mass was estimated by the density of matter and the size of the observable universe. An engineer, a mathematician and a physicist walk into a universe. In Kabbalah we are taught that God emanated from His infinite light (through the process of tzimtzum . But when we look around the universe, we only ever. When talking about largest galactic structures of this size, it is helpful not to think of them as solid objects. It was erased in the Tournament of . Many believe that when the Church is raptured, we'll simply step into a parallel dimension. What are the universe dimensions? In fact, the theoretical framework of superstring theory posits that the universe exists in 10 different dimensions. This is one of the most unusual aspects of the theory and also one of the least understood. The universe has a mass of approximately 1.5 x 10^53 kg. 1. vertex count = edge length = surface area = surcell volume = surteron bulk . Along with the three other dimensions, knowing an object's position in . Dimension 10 contains the consciousness templates for the Infinite Universes. The Mathematical Proof . The popular misconception is that the 3rd dimension we live in is the entire Universe. Despite being hyped up as an Avengers-lite movie, this Doctor Strange sequel is very much Benedict Cumberbatch's . The Universe is so big because it is constantly expanding, and it does so at a speed that even exceeds the speed of light. The difference in Dimensions is the vibration or frequency of energy. Somehow we need to link the two if superstrings are to describe our universe. The next 3 dimensions are Energy Dimension 9 is etheric, or life, energy. They can measure the waves from the early universe, known as baryonic acoustic oscillations, that fill the cosmic microwave background. An aspect of the universe we take for granted is that it's three dimensional there are three perpendicular directions you can move in. It is the dual of the dekeract and has a schlfli symbol of . To do this we curl up the extra 6 dimensions into a small compact space. Universe 10 (10, Dai j Uch), the Macho Universe (, Machona Uch), is the tenth of the twelve universes in the Dragon Ball series. 2 Negative Zone. When the Universe was half its size, the photons from the Big Bang had double the energy, while when the Universe was 10% of its current size, those photons had ten times the energy. Simply so, how do we know the size of the universe? Tim Brown/ The Image Bank/ Getty Images. This dimension is your basic . The 2D, from the core to the surface, is her inner planetary universe, home of the elementals. It is the dual of the dekeract and has a schlfli symbol of . EN English Hindi Home Science 10 Dimensions of Reality According to Superstring Theory A 10-orthoplex (Decarss) is the ten-dimensional cross polytope. According to Large Extra Dimensio. The mathematical theory of modular functions is where this is all explained. Remember, the seventh dimension, like the first and fourth, can only define a line - one line - and never two simultaneously. The 12th dimension, for example, introduces a second time. The four dimensional universe (our world) expanded rapidly, creating the Big Bang, while the six dimensional universe . The 12th dimension, for example, introduces a second time. Now scientists believe that they have found a resolution for this paradox. Dimension 12 is an alternate dimension that is inhabited by Computron and his minions. Since it is impossible to know if the cat is dead or alive in the box, it can be said that it is both alive and dead, since the Uranium atom might have decayed, and it might have not. The universe made the "quantum leap" to another universe in which six of the 10 dimensions collapsed and curled up into a tiny ball, allowing the remaining four dimensional universe to explode outward at an enormous rate. With her. some physicists have speculated that our universe might have 10 dimensions. The next 3 dimensions are Space, which allows the . The confusion is that the 3 directions of space are called 3 dimensions. Pulling Strings According to string theorists, there are the three full-sized spatial dimensions we experience every day, one dimension of time, and six extra dimensions crumpled up at the Planck. The Fermi paradox is the contrast between the likelihood of life existing elsewhere in the universe and the lack of evidence for it.

Space itself is actually growing, and this is going on for around 14 billion years or so. some physicists have speculated that our universe might have 10 dimensions. Every Character in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Warning- The rest of this article contains spoilers from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.. 1. The Solar System is about 36 billion times larger than Earth (3.6 X 10^10). The engineer whips out a protractor and straightedge. English Zohar, Chayei Sarah Volume 4 verse 169 These different aspects are what govern the universe, the fundamental forces of nature, and all the elementary particles contained within. That's a bit of a mind-boggler: Most . Solving string theory. So think of this 11-dimensional arena and in this arena there are bubbles, bubbles . According to string theory, one of the leading physics model of the last half century, the universe operates with 10 dimensions. According to the Large Extra Dimension theory (LED), there are 11. They found that at the moment of the Big Bang, the universe had ten dimensions, but only three of these spatial dimensions expanded. It is possible that our universe is one such membrane. Michio Kaku: Andre, we believe, though we cannot yet prove, that our multiverse of universes is 11-dimensional. Stark started the 12-dimensional journey with the first four mathematical dimensionsa point, a line, a plane, and three-dimensional space. One of the most famous dimensions in the Marvel Universe is the Negative Zone. One of the most well known alternate dimensions in DC Comics is the iconic Phantom Zone. In no particular order: 10. According to superstring theory, there are at least 10 dimensions in the universe (M-theory actually suggests that there are 11 dimensions to spacetime; bosonic string theories suggest 26 dimensions). Dimension 12 was originally inhabited by organic life, which was hunted to extinction by Computron's minions. VY Canis Majoris. vertex count = edge length = surface area = surcell volume = surteron bulk . But there's the mind-bending possibility that many more dimensions exist out there. Computron . Thus, dimensions are separated by frequencies, while the universe is the sum of all dimensions. Our sun is one of the largest and heaviest objects in the universe, weighing in at 1.989 x 1030 kg. the first dimension) is the inner sun at the core of her spherical body. The international bestseller that inspired a major Nova special and sparked a new understanding of the universe, now with a new preface and epilogue.. Brian Greene, one of the world's leading string theorists, peels away layers of mystery to reveal a universe that consists of eleven dimensions, where the fabric of space tears and repairs itself, and all matterfrom the smallest quarks to the . The prison system used by Krypton, Superman, and other heroes (and foes), the Phantom Zone is an inter-dimensional realm outside of space and time itself. We live in a world of mysterious forces. The 1st: A line The 2nd: A plane The 3rd: A space (basically a plane, by a plane. Doctor Strange (Earth-616) Marvel. Stark then explained that a person could use the point-line-plane postulate to formulate the . Dimension 8 is magnetic energy, the primal field of the universe. The beings in that universe and our universe must shift their . According to string theory, one of the leading physics model of the last half century, the universe operates with 10 . The 12 Dimensions theory was proposed by Tony Stark in 2012 to both quantify the dimensions of reality and gain a better understanding of the Omniverse. Gaia (i.e. Star Trek. In 2006, a mysterious blob was named the largest structure in the universe, although it quickly lost its title to newer discoveries. "Dimension" here means two things: a) vibrational density; b) level of consciousness. In short, the three-dimensional space that we live in could have formed from ten .

Each is unique and has a function, yet they are one body. Dimension 7 is electric energy, the building block of physical matter. Time is common and invariant in all dimensions. This is a significant conundrum. Humans can feel, understand 4 of them. Earth) is a multidimensional being. At this size, if placed in our solar system, it would reach nearly to the orbit of Saturn. It is possible that our universe is one such membrane. A Universe of at Least 10 Dimensions String Theory Finally Reconciles Theories of Relativity and Gravity B Y V IRGIL R ENZULLI String theory requires at least six extra spatial dimensions tightly curled-up to microscopic size. There are Twelve Dimensions in our Universe + one that connects to all other Universes known as the Cosmic Wound. Linear time and space do not bind consciousness here. Discovered by Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four, the Negative Zone is an entirely other universe composed of anti-matter and might be older than the Marvel 616 Universe as a whole. It is the universe with the eighth highest mortal level. the first dimension) is the inner sun at the core of her spherical body. The First Dimension ~ Atoms, Molecules and the Mineral World . According to the string theory every thing of our universe is made by very tiny open or close loop of energy called string.and these string move in a universe of 12 dimension.actually we live in a . Back in 2012, a team of three Japanese scientists developed a computer model of the universe's birth based on superstring theory. Width: 200 million. ( In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It's a place where magic can be used without affecting the real world. Some theories, however, suggest another . This dimension is the realm of the mineral kingdom and is the slowest in terms of vibratory rate.

For about 1000 years, Rabbinical scholars have asserted from their reading of Genesis 1 that the Universe consists of 10 dimensions, the 10th of which is so small as to be undetectable. Every dimension has 3 directions, including drawings and pictures. However in the 1980s it came of age. In our solar system, the sun is by far the heaviest object. The larger dimensions are what we perceive as the ordinary space and time. Big branes. How many dimensions do they find? A nullified realm where only one singular entity exists naturally in the space, a . The world as we know it has three dimensions of spacelength, width and depthand one dimension of time.

While strings can only vibrate in 10 dimensions, membranes can exist at 11 dimensions. To a physicist, dimension simply means direction or more precisely, a pair of directions opposite to each other and at right angles to other dimensions, as reports.

Dimension 7 is electric energy, the building block of physical matter. We used to think of . Scientists measure the size of the universe in a myriad of different ways. Or a plane with depth) The 4th: Time. The Sun. Discovered: 1989. The world as we know it has three dimensions of spacelength, width and depthand one dimension of time. All the stars in the night sky, including our Sun, are just some of the residents of this galaxy, along with millions of other stars too faint to be seen. It has an estimated radius between 1,800 and 2,100 times that of the Sun. Source: NASA. European Space Agency. To get an idea of how big this is, this is 330,000 times the weight (mass) of Earth. Awareness of point, line, width and breadth, height, volume, time and spirit. It's only a way of visualizing. 5. String theorists are betting that extra dimensions do indeed exist; in fact, the equations that describe superstring theory require a universe with no fewer than 10 dimensions. It was comprised of many planets, stars, and a large amount of galaxies.

Dimension 8 is magnetic energy, the primal field of the universe. This value might be as high as . An intriguing case of a mysterious doorway to another dimension and perhaps even through time itself occurred in 1956, when a treasure hunter by the name of Ron Quinn ventured with his brother Chuck and some friends into the remote and rugged mountains of Southeastern Arizona looking for mysterious lost Spanish treasures and gold mines. The Superstring theory says that there are 10 dimensions of reality existing in the universe other than the three familiar dimensions of length, height, and depth. Note: The following is a merger of deleted low-quality pages into a higher-quality page. 2 The Phantom Zone. Since this is an absurd concept, Schrodinger asserted it as a disproof against Heisenberg. They . On the one hand, there is a . that the universe exists in ten different dimensions. It's also important to remember that none of these dimensions exist in isolation. The 1D (i.e. Answer (1 of 193): There are 11. Dimension 10 contains the consciousness templates for the Infinite Universes. Much like other candidates for a grand unifying theory - aka the Theory of Everything (TOE) - the belief that the universe is made up of ten dimensions (or more, depending on which model of . The Milky Way is a huge city of stars, so big that even at the speed of light, it would take 100,000 years to travel across it. 6. The everyday three dimensions can be described in three different ways: Length, width and height X, Y and Z Forward/backward, right/left and up/down The relation between a) and b) is that of correspondence. Scientists believe that the fourth dimension is time, which governs the properties of all known matter at any given point. We must all cooperate for the good of all to create a better Earth. 10 Facts You Didn't Know About The Universe. Here we see two such dimensions, curled-up into tiny spheres. In superstring theory's 10-dimensional spacetime, we still observe only a 4-dimensional spacetime. Current versions of string theory require 10 dimensions total, while an even more hypothetical ber-string theory known as M-theory requires 11. Note: The following is a merger of deleted low-quality pages into a higher-quality page. The eighth dimension, like the second and fifth before it, defines a plane on which lines can co-exist. That's easy, she says. The next 3 dimensions are Energy Dimension 9 is etheric, or life, energy. 4) Ta Lo. The universe was made up of nine perfectly symmetrical dimensions, the tenth being time. The First Dimension is the consciousness of Gaia's physical prime atom. Braneworld. The universe (Latin: universus) is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy.The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological description of the development of the universe. But there's the mind-bending possibility that many more dimensions exist out there. 5. CfA2 Great Wall. This red hypergiant is among the largest known stars in our galaxy. The mirror dimension is layered on top of the material plane. The 4D is the astral plane, a partially human domain. According to this theory, space and time emerged together 13.787 0.020 billion years ago, and the universe has been expanding ever since. Long before Einstein's General Relativity or Michio Kaku's String Theory came along, the Bible informed us that in this universe, multiple dimensions do exist. While strings can only vibrate in 10 dimensions, membranes can exist at 11 dimensions. A 10-orthoplex (Decarss) is the ten-dimensional cross polytope. Sound familiar? Jesus, the Son of God, created all things. String theory states there must be at least 10 dimensions of space plus one dimension for time, but there are physicists who argue that there are more. Shang-Chi's mother called . Let's break the long answer down into smaller pieces. If you know what your Universe is made out of, which is: 0.01% Radiation (photons) 0.1% Neutrinos (massive, but ~1 million times lighter than electrons) 4.9% . 9 The Newfound Blob. M-theory is like an uber-theory of strings, showing how all five string theories are really just small corners of a much larger, and much more mysterious, theory. Dekeract is the 10-hypercube. We are immediately aware of the three dimensions that surround us on a daily basis - those that define the length, width, and depth of all objects in our universes (the x, y, and z axes,. This blob is a giant mass of gas, dust, and galaxies that is 200 million light-years wide and looks like a cluster of green jellyfish.

The four known space-time dimensions of our universe are vast.The dimension of time e xtends back at least 13 billion y ears into the past and ma y extend innite-ly into the future.The three spatial dimensions may be in-nite;our telescopes have detected objects more than 12 bil-lion ligh t-years away.Dimensions c an also be nite.For exam- 10 dimension, Big Bang, brane theory, Calabi-Yau manifold, compactification, gravity, infinities, particle physics, Physics, quantum mechanics, standard model, string theory, theory of everything,. Dimension 12 is timeless, meaning that any life that travels there will be trapped at the age they were when they entered for the rest of their lives, as shown with Billy Billions. String theory has an answer for what came before the Big Bang. There are four revealed dimensions (the three dimensions of space together with the fourth dimension of time) and an additional six concealed (spatial) dimensions. The 1D (i.e. To illustrate, imagine that every cell in your body is a conscious entity. Type: galaxy filament (galaxy wall) Length: 750 million light years. There are liver, heart, brain, and blood cell "entities.". The Marvel Cinematic Universe's resident good doctor is back where he belongs. It was found that the vibrating waves of fermions travel clockwise using 10 dimensions and the vibrating waves of bosons travel counterclockwise in 26 dimensions.

Realisation and practice that no one is greater than the other and that group consciousness is the path to the future. Most of us may be obsessed with the big things, but here is a list of the smallest things in the universe to show you how beautiful small things can be. Arguably one of the most beloved alternate dimensions out there, Star Trek's "Mirror Universe" is Parallel Universe 101. For your perusal, here's a handy pictorial reference to the vast, terrifying vistas of space-time. From dark matter to fourth dimensions, galactic cannibalism to quantum hyperchaos, here are ten astonishing new findings that could change the way we view the universe. The 3D on her surface is where you humans live in the company of animals and plants. The further away a star is, the fainter it looks. Universe 10 is linked with Universe 3, creating a twin universe. In this amount of time, with speed greater than the speed of light, the Universe gradually grew, and it still expands even to this day. Doctor Strange and other sorcerers commonly use the Mirror . Some posit a universe composed of 11 space . The theory of general relativity, under which space itself can curve, allows for the universe to take one of three forms: flat like a sheet of paper, closed like a sphere, or open like a saddle . According to string theory, all of reality exists in (exactly) ten dimensions. My new book is now available on Amazon! more info and other products go to tenthdimension. 10 Potential New Force Discovered at the Large Hadron Collider .