You use it, for example, when talking of a special friend or relative.

Ustedes (2 nd person .

Since the possessive adjective "su" and "sus" can refer to several owners (usted, l, ella, ustedes, ellos, ellas), the phrase "article + noun + de + subject pronoun" is often used to avoid confusion on who the owner is.

It is the same as the l, ella or usted one, "su/sus" It can get confusing. The Possessive Adjectives.

Delgado/a - Thin. Singular.

T is a subject pronoun, you informal, the familiar usage as . Her for women. The "good news," once again, about su in Spanish and sus in Spanish is that there are only two forms, singular and plural, that modify both masculine and feminine nouns.The "bad news," though, at least in terms of their initial challenge for native English speakers, is that these possessive adjectives in Spanish can mean many different things depending on their contexts.

Traje nuestra bicicleta - "I brought our bicycle." ("Our" agrees with "bicycle".) The Spanish possessive adjectives agree with the object possessed. Possessive adjectives, like descriptive adjectives, are used to qualify people, places, or things.

has two to four possessive adjectives. Long-form Possessive Adjectives. T eres bonita - You are pretty Tu mam es bonita - Your mother is pretty Possessive adjectives, like all adjectives in Spanish, must agree with the noun they modify. They are used less often than short-form possessive adjectives, but you should still know them.

6 Quest.

They are used less often than short-form possessive adjectives, but you should still know them. [t [

Bajo/a - Short.

The possessive adjectives are my, your, his, her, its, our, their, and whose.

Possessive adjectives, like descriptive adjectives, are used to qualify people, places, or things. Here we focus on the long-form possessive adjectives with examples of usage and possible translations of each example: mo, ma, mos, mas my, of mine Son libros mos.

(ustedes) = Dnde estn pasaportes?

Here are the meanings of the 8 possessive adjectives: My for first-person singular (I) Your for second-person singular (You) His for men. Its for animals, machines, entities. 1 Quest. They are adjectives which modify a noun (or nouns). 5.

He is looking for _____ cap (possessive adjective) 2: Tengo un dolor en mi cuello.

I am .

That is, they agree with the thing possessed, not the possessor. A mi gato no le gustan tus perros.

Unlike the regular possessive adjective forms mi, tu, su, and their plurals, the long form follows the noun.

In English, this would be "I" or "we". Ustedes Ellos POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES We use possessive adjectives to modify the noun in order to show possession. Possessive adjectives 1. The possessive adjectives are my, your, his, her, its, our, their, and whose.

Possessive adjectives, like descriptive adjectives, are used to qualify people, places, or things. el libro de . .

Compr an. 1 | level: Beginner/Intermediate Complete the following translations, filling in the blanks with the correct possessive adjective: .

Use the correct gender and number of the possessive adjective to match the noun it follows.

I hope you can understand that! What is the difference between T and Tu? Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectives or possessive pronouns de 1: Est buscando su gorra.

Guapo/a - Good-looking.

What is a possessive adjective?

According to Grammar Monster, a possessive adjective comes before a noun or pronoun to show who or what owns it or possesses it.

They show possession. topic: Possessive adjectives (mi, tu, su, etc.) Long-form possessive adjectives are used to emphasize the owner of something, to contrast one owner with another, or to emphasize a personal relationship.

multiple choice Es Read the text and choose the best option to complete it. Fill in the blanks using "possessive adjectives".

In Spanish, all adjectives must agree in number and usually gender. Los adjetivos posesivos hacen referencia a quien posee o es dueo de uno o mas objetos. .

I was thinking "tu" because usted means you.

The possessive adjectives in English are "My, your, his, her, our, their". Free quiz to test yourself on the use of the possessive adjectives in Spanish, choosing the correct translation to given phrases. Their names are Susana and Frida.

[t] Tus pelculas son malas.

The possessive adjectives in English are "My, your, his, her, our, their".

In Spanish, they can be singular or plural, masculine or feminine, depending on the noun (s) we are describing or replacing. free interactive Spanish1, possessiveajectives, possessive adjectives, World Language, gramtica 5.1, worksheet - Possessive Adjectives by teacher Sandra Lopez Lorente. The long form of a Spanish possessive adjective is used when it is placed after the noun.

is ambiguous; su casa = your [usted] house, his house, her house, its house, your [ustedes] house, their [male and/or female] house. In Spanish, as in English, possessive adjectives are used with a noun to show that one person or thing belongs to another. These are my friends' books. Feo/a - Ugly.

The noun it refers to is part of the sentence; in many languages this noun will be close by or even right next to the adjective. My cat doesn't like your dogs.

Possessive Adjectives are used to denote ownership of a noun. Un amigo mo. Singular subject pronouns: yo: mi / mis (I: my) t: tu / tus (you: your) l, ella, usted: su / sus (he: his, she / her, formal you / your) Plural subject pronouns: nosotros: nuestro / nuestros (we: our)

As in English, Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns show a relationship of belonging between things or people. Singular subject pronouns: yo: mi / mis (I: my) t: tu / tus (you: your) l, ella, usted: su / sus (he: his, she / her, formal you / your) Plural subject pronouns: nosotros: nuestro / nuestros (we: our) You use it, for example, when talking of a special friend or relative. Home. The English word " your " has multiple Spanish equivalents, depending on the number of owners and the number of possessions: tu, vuestro/a, su (formal), tus, vuestros/as, sus (formal).

Determinantes posesivos (Possessive Adjectives / Determiners) go together with the noun:

sus. This is in sharp difference with English, where there is no such agreement.

Possessive adjectives are not usually used with parts of the body. If what is being possessed is plural the possessive adjective changes to be plural.


the possessive adjectives " su " and " sus " can translate as his, her, your (formal), and their.

Examples: Quest.

Hacer una oracin con el futuro simple Anterior Siguiente ESTAMOS AL TANTO DE TODO

Use el/la/los or las as appropriate instead. Aprend en. Mara y Ana _____ de Colombia.


Possessive adjectives Prof. Alejandro Prez Vitela 2. Su and sus.

Possessive adjectives come before the noun they refer to.

Juan's book.

They must match the noun they modify in both gender and number in all forms. You can have a look at the table to see all the variants. We'll list the subject pronoun and possessive adjectives in Spanish first, with the English translation in parentheses behind it. You will notice in some cases that the gender of the owner is specified as female and male.

Two types of possessive adjectives, one type goes before the noun, and the other type goes after the noun. Manuel es tu hijo? They are like any other adjective in Spanish, so possessive adjectives must match the nouns they describe in gender and number.

But this website told me otherwise. As you can see in the charts, Spanish possessive adjectives express person to determine the possessor.

Your films are bad.

You can have a look at the table to see all the variants. 1. All long-form possessive adjectives must agree with the noun they modify in gender and number.2.

They show to whom things belong or, in other words, possession.

Possessive adjectives express the quality of ownership or possession.

These are my weapons.

Is Manuel your son? plu.) The following are the possessive adjectives in Spanish: Click here to listen ), it's a pronoun, not an adjective.


2. e.g.

Two types of possessive adjectives, one type goes before the noun, and the other type goes . My son is at home, and yours?

NickDan, I thought so, too! Pronoun: substitutes a noun.

Examples: The article is mine // El artculo es mo. Create.

The possessive determiners, also called possessive adjectives, serve to express ownership or possession (hence the name). Oftentimes it's used as somebody enters your home as a way of saying, 'Make yourself at home.'.

As a rule of thumb, if you are naming the object, you use the "su/sus" and if the object is not named, you use "suyo".

For example, my watch, her car, their dog, etc. Thus, if the noun is feminine, the possessive adjective must be feminine, too. Answer (1 of 6): Forget the "possessive" part.

Start studying the Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns flashcards containing study terms like What are possessive adjectives, My (short form), My, of mine (long form) and more. Possessive adjectives have to agree in gender and number with the noun.

Necesitan ustedes nuestros libros?. Adjective: modifies a noun. Terms in this set (26) bueno/a.

In Spanish, all adjectives must agree in number and usually gender.

// Mi hijo est en casa, y el vuestro? . Choose the possessive adjective that can also be used formally with ustedes sus tus mis nuestros 2 See answers Advertisement Advertisement danielabastidasm28 danielabastidasm28 Answer: sus.

They are books of mine .) In Spanish, there is a set of possessive adjectives with a longer form that are placed after the noun they are modifying. ustedes you (plural formal) ellos, ellas they.

3 Quest. When learning Spanish, knowing when to use possessive pronouns or .

For example: It is my bag.

Note that when a possessive replaces a noun altogether (yours, his, hers, etc.


They agree in gender and number with that noun. . Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

Her for women. Like other adjectives in Spanish, possessive adjectives have to change for the feminine and plural forms. Is this your jacket? Su and sus.

These are my weapons.

A possessive adjective sits before a noun (or a pronoun) to show who or what owns it.

Examples: Dame tus cuadernos - "Give me your notebooks." ("Your" agrees with "notebooks".) They show to whom things belong or, in other words, possession.

is ambiguous; su casa = your [usted] house, his house, her house, its house, your [ustedes] house, their [male and/or female] house.

Su and sus. Possessive Adjectives. Su Ustedes Su Ellas Su Ellos Nuestro Vuestro Nosotros Vosotros Su Usted Su Ella Su El Tu T Mi Yo Use this adjective: If the owner is: 5.

Examples: Dame tus cuadernos - "Give me your notebooks." ("Your" agrees with "notebooks".)

cousins. Right now, the questions are images so sneaky students cannot translate them to English.

The following answer is acceptable: Es nuestro Your response: blank answer Feedback: Possession must be expressed by using de.

What are possessive adjectives in Spanish?

8. vosotros/as os, ustedes/ellos/ellas oyen (I hear, you hear, he hears, etc.) Definition. Spanish possessive adjectives always precede the noun or possession. They have the same function as short form possessive adjectives have but these emphasise the possession instead of the noun.

It is more expressive.

Spanish Regular Verb Conjugations in Present Indicative .

his, her or your (formal) = sus examples: his books = sus . Long-form possessive adjectives are used to emphasize the owner of something, to contrast one owner with another, or to emphasize a personal relationship. Our for first-person plural (We) Your for second-person plural (you plural) Their for plural people.

What are positive adjectives in Spanish?

= Dnde estn lentes?

Ella tiene su libro, l tiene su libro, usted tiene su libro, ustedes tienen su libro.

Un amigo mo. The first person corresponds to the person speaking and, in the case of the plural, the group that includes the speaker. This is a quick and easy way to assess students' understanding of short possessive adjectives in Spanish either during distance learning or using technology in the classroom. This is my camera.

The "good news," once again, about su in Spanish and sus in Spanish is that there are only two forms, singular and plural, that modify both masculine and feminine nouns.The "bad news," though, at least in terms of their initial challenge for native English speakers, is that these possessive adjectives in Spanish can mean many different things depending on their contexts.

A friend of mine. They show possession.

Possessive adjectives are also called possessive determiners, because they replace the need for "a" or "the.". Table 2.2.

Possessive adjectives express the quality of ownership or possession. Please have a look at the following examples: Esta es mi cmara. Possesive adjectives also have a long form that is the same as the Pronombre posesivo.

la casa de usted/ustedes la casa de ellos/ellas Because su can mean your, his, her, its, their .

5. In Table , notice that all the long forms of possessive adjectives have gender endings to match the nouns they modify. They are adjectives which modify a noun (or nouns). tuyo, tuya, tuyos, tuyas your (singular familiar), of yours Prefiero la casa tuya.

"t" (with the written accent) is the subject pronoun meaning "you" (informal), "tu" (without the written accent) is the possessive adjective meaning "your" (informal).

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb "ser" 1.

They must match the noun they modify in both gender and number in all forms.

There are two ways of expressing possession in Spanish using possessive adjectives in Spanish.

Start studying Descubre Leccin 3 - De quin es?

However, on a verb chart, usted is in the same "box" as ella and l, and they use "su". These include masculine and feminine adjectives for Spanish color, different words to describe body parts, and kind of person, among others. Also note that the possessive adjective formed from 't' is 'tu', the same letters but without the written accent, so be careful not to confuse these words.

Explanations. Possessive Adjective Spanish Help March 23, 2022August 21, 2021 thanh college and really dont understand this..please help answer these with few questions.Answer these questions using possessive adjectives and the words parentheses.Como. their. Explanation: Im sorry can you add a explanation.

5. Alto/a - Tall.

Estas son mis armas.

Have a look at the table: You can see from the table that there are 4 different forms for each .

my = mis examples: my books = mis libros.

Thus, if the noun is feminine, . With possessive adjectives, this means that the adjective changes according to what is possessed, and not whoever or whatever possesses it. Both the verb and the possessive adjective must be singular to agree in number with the noun dinero and also in gender because it's the especial case nuestro. For example, As we saw in Part 1 of this lesson about short form Spanish possessive adjectives in regards to su and sus, this particular set of long form possessive adjectives can be confusing because they correspond with a lot of personal pronouns (l, ella, usted, ellos, ellas, and ustedes) and thus have a multitude of different translations, which we .

(I prefer your house.

There are five possessive adjectives. sock.

This is my camera. A friend of mine.

The long forms of possessive adjective (adjetivos posesivos tnicos) always come after the noun they refer to. (vosotras) tas tienen el pelo negro. "Su" is its corresponding possessive adjective. 5.

(usted/ustedes), and theirs, just like "su/sus" does. Possessive pronouns also indicate possession, but they replace the possession (the noun). Question # 00790693 Posted By: Jackson234 Updated on: 01/21/2021 01:18 PM Due on: . They are used less often than short-form possessive adjectives, but you should still know them.

Sorry, that was confusing to even type. The "good news," once again, about su in Spanish and sus in Spanish is that there are only two forms, singular and plural, that modify both masculine and feminine nouns.The "bad news," though, at least in terms of their initial challenge for native English speakers, is that these possessive adjectives in Spanish can mean many different things depending on their contexts. With possessive adjectives, this means that the adjective changes according to what is possessed, and not whoever or whatever possesses it.

Two types of possessive adjectives, one type goes before the noun, and the other type goes after the noun.

(ustedes) pap tiene ojos azules.

Where are my glasses? . Do you-all need our books?

Possessive adjectives have to agree in gender and number with the noun.

(yo) mis (t) tus (l/ella/usted) sus (nosotros/nosotras) nuestros/nuestras (ellos/ellas/ustedes) sus.

Observe the difference between the following two sentences: Owner not specified: Su casa es bonita. Points earned: 0 out of 1 View exercise 7. Traje nuestra bicicleta - "I brought our bicycle." ("Our" agrees with "bicycle".)

mi tu su nuestro vuestro Three possessive adjectives (mi, tu, su) have only two forms, singular and plural.

Gordo/a - Fat. Posesivos (1): Adjetivos(author: Lola Gonzlez) Possessive adjectives in Spanish are used to express possession or ownership.

Possessive adjectives express the quality of ownership or possession.


We are Tony's cousins. Recib en. (formal) Write the answer that forms a correct translation.

3. Play this game to review Spanish. What are the 10 .

As we can tell by the name, a possessive pronoun is used to indicate possession and other relations with people, objects, family, places, etc. answer each question affirmatively using the correct possessive adjective.

It is important to remember that the possessive adjectives 'nosotros' and 'vosotros' have a feminine and masculine form. Plural forms of possessive adjectives (number agreement) Notice that these follow the standard Spanish rule for making things plural.

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